On this day Monday, January 21, 2019, when we honor Martin Luther King, Jr., I wake up to read the HuffPost article, “Kamala Harris Is Running For President In 2020.”

Say what?? California Senator Kamala Harris (Democrat) decided to make it official and run for president.

Yaaaaasssssss!!!! I’m so here for it!!!

The article quoted one of Senator Harris’ motivations for her decision to run for president as,

“I love my country,” Harris told ABC. “This is a moment in time that I feel a sense of responsibility to stand up and fight for the best of who we are.”

Kamala Harris for President sure sounds good to me.

Who is Kamala Harris?

From CNBC article,“Democratic Sen. Kamala Harris Jumps Into 2020 White House Race,” Harris, 54, the daughter of immigrants from Jamaica and India, enters the race with the potential advantage of being the Democratic candidate who looks most like the party’s increasingly diverse base of young, female and minority voters.

You may only have seen how classy and strong Senator Harris handled herself during the investigation of Special Counsel Robert Mueller. If you haven’t seen those online Facebook or YouTube videos, then check her out.

I’m excited about Senator Harris’ decision; however, I want to know YOUR thoughts on Kamala Harris’ bid for president in 2020.

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1 thought on “Kamala Harris for President??

  1. I’m so excited to have Senator Kamala Harris in the 2020 Presidential race! My first thought: she is brave! She knows what she’s up against, but she loves our USA so much so that she’s willing to face the challenge. That’s someone I will trust to run this country. Let’s go! President Kamala Harris 2020!

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